Baseball Caps and Binoculars


Well it was only only 4 and a half days since a trip to the old smoke ended in Blues being disappointed by the result and surroundings of the somewhat pathetic sounding (in name and acoustics) London Stadium, and it had been the longest we’d had to wait for football for what seemed like a year.

The yo-yo love affair with Viv was in full swing on Twitter. Some loving his cameo in London and others struggling to remember him being on the pitch. But a high note of the week for him must have been the 888 shootout victory with Blues’ one Connor “Winehouse” Mahoney, who luckily, seems to take a corner better than he hits balls into a bin hanging in a goal.

Friday came around and yet more talk of our mystery fifth loan/free transfer, becoming less of a mystery by the day. My thoughts are the club are saving the petrol money and will wrap the deal up In Norfolk on Friday.

Return of Isaac and the Scot

Two exciting bits of news, firstly was the possibility of Isaac Vassell making his long awaited comeback to the fold. It’s been a long road for Isaac and everybody has their fingers toes and if long enough, members, crossed that he’s finally at the end of it and can start giving Che and the juke some competition.

Secondly Greg Stewart was recalled from a successful loan at Kilmarnock. Killie fans were up in arms and one even started a go fund me page, whatever that is. Greg was promptly sent to train with big Dave and the under 9s. Garry informing us it’s nothing to do with him. We’ll have to wait and see what goes on there.

Boro’s Big Babies

It’s Saturday and excitement is building but I don’t really know why as Tony Pulis is obviously going to bring 7, 6ft 9 beasts to block a goal. In the end it was just the 6 and they did pretty well in the 1st half. We did better on the second (match reports not my job, sorry).

I for one left St. Andrews probably the angriest I had been for nearly a year. It took me a few minutes to work out why. Then it clicked, it was having to watch a bloke in a baseball cap encroach on the pitch for about 75 of the 90 and his players, especially (another one that got away) Jordan Hugill, writhe around at every opportunity. Credit where it is due, Boro are a good outfit and will win more than they lose.

It was great to see Vassell back on he turf. The roar which greeted him must have been humbling for the man. A superb effort from the ever improving Che “keep your hands off him” Adams.


Sunday is always a quiet one isn’t it. Everybody just sat for 25 hours hoping Isaac can train to tomorrow and wondering if he’ll shave his beard now he’s back playing?

Blues somehow remain 8th in the table as nobody seems to want to get promoted or sneak into the playoffs this year apart from Leeds, who’s wonderful use of James Bond tactics should be lauded In my humble opinion. I still think they’ll bottle it tho. Calls for a points deduction from some Derby fans who should just concern themselves with getting rid of the drummer at Pride Park or whatever it’s called these days. Interesting to see that Blues coaching staff on Twitter commented that they chased someone away from Wast Hills in the build up to our game at Elland Road earlier this season, that worked out well for them…

I see some great stuff involving Messrs Stockdale and Horsfield has gone on and it’s great to see players and former ones giving back to the community. Another announcement has been made regarding St. Andrews sleep in on the 15th. Keep your eyes peeled as I’m sure Geoff and his team will appreciate any help or sponsorship that is given.

Another loanee recalled… Steve Seddon making his way back up the M40/M1 from Stevenage. Mr Monk looking to send him back for more experience in League One preferably, and that’s where he’s gone. AFC Wimbledon the destination. Hopefully he comes back playing like one of my favourite Crazy Gang members… Peter Fear. Didn’t look out of his depth against Cheltenham in Cheick Ndoye’s summer highlight. Let’s hope he kicks on and provides solid cover for us next season.

On to the Next

The Referee has been named for Norwich away. I believe it’s the chap who sent of Dutch Mike at Brentford. Let’s hope he brings his stick and Labrador with him on Friday shall we. Talking about Friday, hope everyone enjoys the long trip to Norwich (thanks Sky). Let’s let them know what we all think of this reschedule!

Last but not least, Villa tickets info went out this week, and it’s good to see season ticket holders being able to grab some extras before the vultures circle. I for one can’t wait for this one. Let’s just hope we’re still in touch with the play offs when it rolls around.

Until next week.



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