The Stockdale Saga

The clouds over David Stockdale’s Birmingham City career remain unclear, and there are multiple developments that have taken place recently.

The clouds over David Stockdale’s Birmingham City career remain unclear, and there are multiple developments that have taken place recently. There have been offers on the table for Stockdale. An inside source told We Are Birmingham, however, that Blues are insisting the offers they have received are not acceptable.

At the end of last season, Stockdale was informed that he was no longer to be included in the first team’s plans, and that he would train with the U18’s until something suitable came up.

In regards to the rumours that the stopper has been frozen out due to bonuses and other financial reasons. It has been widely agreed by fans that his removal from the squad has been down to his sizeable wages, but we do not believe this to be the case.

His total exclusion from the ranks is allegedly down to primarily the manager’s opinion, with the ‘keeper still being around everyone at the training ground as normal, other than the fact he is training with the U18 squad.

Stockdale has been out on loan to both Southend and Wycombe, the latter of who he was playing well for when his emergency loan was unexpectedly cut short when both he and Wycombe thought it would be extended.

It is understood that Stockdale is eager to be back involved with the first-team, but it appears that the chances of that happening are next to nothing.

Clubs have offered to take Stockdale on loan, but the club has turned them down meaning that Blues have ultimately ended up paying the full amount of his wages – if this doesn’t give the indication that it’s not down to financial reasons, nothing will.

Despite what’s going on in his football career, Stockdale has remained humble, generously helping out in the Birmingham community.

The future remains unclear and with his future seemingly out of his own control, the 33-year-old is in danger of having his prime years taken away from him.

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2 Comments on “The Stockdale Saga”

  • Sausage n egg


    Quite telling that no one wants Porkie unless it’s for free?


    • Chris Goulding


      Think the high wages will be the biggest issue. Think we need to accept that we paid him over the odds as he was free. Whether we’re happy to take that hit and partially pay his wages is another thing!


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